Thursday 7 December 2017

Another 3D task we were asked to do, which I'd forgotten to upload previously, was a character pushing against a box, before giving up and looking defeated. Below you can see my attempt:

We were told to use the IK and FK switch on the rig in order to make the hands of the character stick to the box as they pushed. This helped with making the animation look more convincing.

For our final 3D task of the term, we were asked to animate one of the rigs throwing a ball from one hand to the other, using the constraints mechanic we'd learned in a previous lecture. Below you can see my attempt: 

Personally, I found using constraints difficult, but after reading through the notes I'd made and practicing the exercise a few times I was able to create something I was happy with. I do think that the ball movement is a little slow, and the throw could be more dynamic, something to keep in mind for when I animate these kinds of actions in the future. 

Tuesday 5 December 2017

As an extension to our 2D animated bird task from a few weeks back, we were asked to destroy our bird using any method we liked. Below you can see my attempt: 

I decided to make my bird explode. This was quite fun to do, I enjoyed drawing the bits of the smoke/explosion.

For our last 2D Animation task of term, we were asked to animate a simple walk cycle, with no extra or added detail. Below you can see my attempt:

I think this turned out ok! Although I think at some points, the character looks as if they're sliding along the floor slightly.