Tuesday 14 November 2017

For one of our more recent Stop Motion tasks, we were asked to create a puppet doing a basic walk cycle. Below you can see my fourth or fifth attempt:

After receiving some feedback from my lecturer and classmates, I've decided it would be best to redo this task. Here's some of the feedback they gave me:

- The puppet seems to shuffle on it's feet when it should have it's foot forwards during some steps.

-The back foot of the puppet tends to slide a lot.

-During some parts of the walk, the legs of the puppet bend a little when they really should be straight.

I also think that the video quality itself should be improved, I didn't notice when I was animating, but the final video output looks very bleached and light. So next time I attempt this task, I will also make sure the light levels and white balance are fine before starting my animation.

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