Tuesday 31 October 2017

I decided to redo my Flour Sack Hula Hooping exercise over again. With this attempt, I drew out an arc for my hula hoop to follow, so the movement is more fluid.

I think the movement of the sack itself is much better and looks a lot less stiff, however, the hoop looks a little stiff now...

Saturday 28 October 2017

For this week's Stop Motion Animation task, we were asked to animate a puppet touching it's toes, then standing up again! Below you can see my third attempt:

Although this was difficult, I enjoyed this task, working with the puppets is a very interesting experience!

Wednesday 25 October 2017

This is a slightly modified attempt of my Flour Sack hula hooping animation. I tried to make the top half less stiff. However I think I will start this task from the beginning again, in order to add in inbetweening and make the movement a lot better.

During some of my free time, I attempted to animate one of my characters waving his hand! (Just to get in some more TV Paint practice)

I think the wave itself looks alright, but the transition in facial expressions could be a little more fluid, as could the movement of the hand up and down.
Here is my finished attempt of the Flour Sack jumping over an obstacle. After receiving some feedback from my lecturer, I removed a few frames in the anticipation period just before the jump, to make the transition from crouching to the jump seem faster. 

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Here's another attempt at one of our 3D Animation tasks! This time I tried to animate Monty looking sad whilst he was walking. 

I attempted to convey the feeling of sadness by making him constantly look down, as well as walking much more slowly and dragging his feet (although if I'm honest, at the moment it looks a bit like he's sliding)

Monday 23 October 2017

For our Stop Motion Task last week, we were asked to animate a puppet turning it's head! 
Below you can see my fifth attempt.

Although this was pretty tricky to do, I actually enjoyed this a lot! Working with the puppets was really interesting!

Thursday 19 October 2017

During our 3D Animation class this week we were taught how to animate a character walking! As a bonus task, we were asked to animate the character walking from a standing position, to add another level of challenge in there.

Below you can see my simple walk:

And this is the walk from standing:

I think the walk from standing looks a little better, but perhaps that's because starting to walk from a standing position is more natural?

Wednesday 18 October 2017

For one of our 2D Animation class tasks this week, we were asked to create a looping animation of a flour sack hula hooping! You can see my attempt below:

I think the movement of the flour sack's top half is a little stiff. I may reattempt this task at a later date and attempt to fix this issue by adding a few more 'in betweens' if necessary.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

For one of our 3D Animation tasks, we were asked to use what we'd learned animating a basic bouncing ball, and apply it to animating a bouncing ball with a tail!

I personally found this task quite difficult, as trying to imagine and layout how the tail would move was quite hard for me. We couldn't just move the tail and the ball in sync, because that would look strange, so we had to use 'Overlapping Animation', in which the two components moved at different speeds.

Below you can see my attempt:

I think the ball looks alright as it is bouncing, however, I do think the tail movement could be improved, as it looks quite stiff. I think if I re-position some of the key frames in the different parts of the tail, I may be able to make that tail movement more fluid and smooth.

For one of out 2D Animation tasks, we were asked to animate a Flour Sack jumping over an obstacle of our choice. Below you can see my first attempt at trying to get the motion looking right.

I think that the motion looks ok, but when the sack jumps in it's arc and lands it looks a little bit stiff. I'm hoping after speaking with my lecturer about this animation and receiving some feedback, that I'll be able to improve on this version to create something I'm happy with.

Thursday 12 October 2017

For one of our 3D animation practise tasks, we had to create a simple bouncing ball, then after we finished that task, we could animate balls of different weights or we could even give the ball a bit of character and animate it looking sad/happy etc.

Here's my attempt at the simple bouncing ball:

I think this looks ok! But perhaps the arc and movement of the ball could be a little better. Perhaps I could have exaggerated the squash and stretch a little more too.

Here's my attempt at animating a heavy ball, like a bowling ball:

I also think this animation is ok. The falling speed of the ball should probably be a little faster though, to emphasize that it's a heavy ball.

Here's my attempt at animating a 'sad' ball:

Hopefully you can tell in the video that I slowed down the ball as it bounced and made it spend more time squished on the ground. This was to try and make it seem down and a bit sad.
I think maybe next time I should try making the squash and stretch even more exaggerated in order to show more clearly that the ball is supposed to be upset.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

After receiving some feedback from one of my lecturers, I decided to attempt my water balloon task again.

Here's my old version:

As you can see in the animation, I've made the volume and size of the balloon inconsistent throughout the animation. I've also not stuck to an arc, so the falling balloon switches positions as it hits the ground.
Finally, the balloon stays on the ground for too long after the very first bounce, so I would need to get rid of some frames to improve this issue.

And now, here's my new attempt:

I used fewer frames between the ball squishing and jumping up again, and tried my best to keep the size of the ball consistent whilst still using squash and stretch.
I still think I could improve a little more with the fluidity of the movement of the balloon.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Another Stop Motion task we received this week, was to animate a balloon falling gently to the ground. To do this we used plasticine to create our balloon and used paper to mark out it's falling path. 
I tried this exercise out a few times before getting a result I was happy with. Below you'll find my three attempts.




I think I'm happiest with my third attempt, as I almost got the speed of the falling balloon right, whereas with the first two attempts the balloon fell much too quickly.

We were given a few Stop Motion animation tasks to complete this week. One of them was to animate a heavy ball falling to the ground. Here is my attempt:

I feel that although the falling speed seems fairly good, the point in which the 'ball' hits the ground and bounces a little off the ground seems a little off. Perhaps next time I attempt this task, I will add more frames to the bounce.

Friday 6 October 2017

Our first week of Stop Motion tasks consisted of animating two types of pendulums: a free swinging pendulum and a mechanical pendulum.

The first video shows my attempt at a free swinging pendulum.

This video shows my attempt at a mechanical pendulum.

I feel that I got the mechanical pendulum down pretty well, but I think I could improve on the free swinging pendulum. Maybe next time I attempt this task I'll add in more notches to make the movement more fluid.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Whilst I had a little bit of free time today, I tested out TV Paint again! This time I tried animating a character blinking, just for fun. I think it looks alright, but the blink could probably be a little more fluid. I'll probably attempt this again at a later date.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

One of our 2D Animation tasks this week was to try animating a water balloon falling and bouncing on the ground.

I've posted both the rough version and the clean version here, so you can see the comparison.
I think that the clean version looks ok! I think I got across that it was a water balloon, but I feel maybe I could've exaggerated the squash and stretch a little more.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Practised using Adobe Animate yesterday to animate a bouncing ball!
It doesn't quite have the squash and stretch I was aiming for but I can try again.