Saturday 10 February 2018

This week during a group project meeting, we were all assigned roles. After being assigned roles, we went to go and work on what we were individually assigned. We used a Facebook Messenger group chat to keep in contact with each other and share our progress!
This method of communication works well, as we are able to work on our work independently but still receive feedback from each other. 

I was assigned the role of concept design for one of the sections of our animation. So during this week, I drew up some concepts for backgrounds and character designs for that one section.

Below you can see some concept backgrounds I drew up. This particular section of animation is set in ancient China, so we wanted to try and make the designs fit. At first, we weren't quite sure what style we wanted, so I just tested colours and brushes out.

These were the first backgrounds I tried out. I thought a fairly simple style would be best, since the focus should be mostly on the characters. I took colours from old Chinese paintings and scrolls to create the colour palette used. However, I couldn't decide whether lined art or flat colour art would look better, hence the two different variations. I also used a crumpled paper texture to make the background feel more like an older piece of art, or a storybook.

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