Friday 23 February 2018

I've been trying to develop my ideas more for the DGA 130 Experimental Project. I thought creating rough storyboards for some of the sections would help me flesh out these ideas. Below you can see the results:

This is one of the first ideas for my project. Since I love tea, I thought having the character leaning up against a cup of tea would help to show that! The main draw of the idea is self deprecating humor, since I tend to use it on a daily basis. Simply, the character takes an sweet out of her pocket and inspects it, the writing on the object says 'Good Social Skills'. The character looks dissatisfied and throws the sweet into the tea cup behind her. The process repeats, but this time she takes a sweet out of her pocket that reads 'Social Awkwardness', she appears happy and eats the sweet.
This is a very simple idea based around a jab at my social skills, I think it's kind of funny, but I may work on it.

This is another idea I have! This one is based on my friends and family. There will be a letter on the table addressed to the character from 'Best Friend', the character looks excited and opens the envelope. Inside she finds a nice bracelet, she puts it on and looks happy. This is based on a bracelet I actually received from a friend a few weeks ago, I thought putting this simple little story into animation form would be fun as well as showing another aspect of myself.

This is the final idea I have at the moment. It's based around how I enjoy listening to music.
Once again, a simple idea, the character is sat listening to music, tapping her feet in time to the beat. She checks the music player she's holding and it shows the name of the song. When the song name displays, it'll be the name of the background music playing in the animation itself. I thought a moment in which the animation breaks the fourth wall/is self aware would be funny/interesting.
This idea still isn't too developed, so I'm hoping to develop it more in the coming weeks.

All these ideas are short, because they'll be combined together, the idea I've got is basically a compilation of things I like and enjoy.

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